
Me vs. Asparagus... technically I've had asparagus once before, but it's been a few years, so I'm still counting it as a new veggie! Here we go, Oven-Roasted Asparagus!

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/oven-roasted-asparagus/detail.aspx


They're lovely little veggies if you take the time to appreciate them...


Not the healthiest with the added parm, but I have to start liking it somehow, right? Mmmmm mmm, olive oil, parmesan, garlic, sea salt & ground pepper!


And my sister is back for taste-testing!


Success! Nice and tender, perfectly moist and what a delectable mixture of seasonings... YUM!


I eat carrots when they're cooked into something like a soup so that they are mushy and blend right in. Not a fan of raw carrots... so I want to find a way to cook them as a side so that I actually like them as a carrot, not just a filler for a soup. These are going to become Roasted Carrots.

Recipe: http://low-cholesterol.food.com/recipe/roasted-carrots-65427


I want to like carrots, really I do... When I was little tot, I remember asking my mom to buy carrots so I could eat them like Bugs Bunny, but even pretending to be a cartoon didn't make the carrot taste good... They look nice here...


But, even if they look nice, I still didn't like the texture! Texture is the bane of my picky eating existence... I was expecting them to become tender while roasting, but these buggers were still crunchy and a little dried out from the oven... A friend did tell me that I should never try baby carrots and that regular carrots have much better flavor, so I will be back again Carrots!