
So I still had another zuke that needed used this week... and I thought I'd try another recipe. I'm going to roast this guy... Roasted Zucchini.

Recipe: http://www.food.com/recipe/roasted-zucchini-364844


The italian seasoning, garlic & chili flakes look delish!


Lined up and ready to roast!


Finished product...


Verdict? Semi-success... I still don't love the sometimes spongy texture of zucchini by itself, and this recipe made them a little mushy on top of that... So I probably wouldn't have finished it on it's own, but I also made broccoli, and when I ate the two together, they were pretty good! So yes, semi-success!


I think this is a zucchini, however the sign at the store said "Green Squash"... I have eaten some zucchini before, some ways I like it, and some ways I really don't. I decided to try grilling some of this little zucchini with some other veggies!


I am in love with this little grill wok that I found at Lowe's. Just mixed in bell peppers, onions, baby bellas and zucchini, a little olive oil, cracked pepper, sea salt and some garlic powder. You get the roasted veggies without all of the complications of shish kebobs!


Yum! Fresh veggie season is almost here! I love these bright colors! And, the zucchini in this mix was a success!