Still using up that stock of zucchini, and instead of making a meal, I wanted to try this sweet treat (other than zucchini bread...)

This shredded zuke is going to become Zucchini Brownies! The recipe had a gazillion good reviews with some helpful tips...

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Zucchini-Brownies/Detail.aspx

Mmmm, my favorite part of baking... the yummy sugary batter! I haven't grown out of loving that favorite sweet part...

It's a very dry batter - but don't be tempted to add an egg or a liquid... That's what the zucchini is for...

It's not much of a batter really... especially not like you are used to with brownies.

But even as you start to mix it, the batter and zucchini start to moisten... there is hope! And it doesn't exactly "pour" into the baking pan, it kind of "plops"... but you just spread it out in the pan and hope for the best!

Meanwhile... homemade icing! I've never made it from scratch, and I typically don't like this much chocolate at once, but I wanted to try the recipe as it was given... and boy does it look delicious!

I did leave it in the oven for an extra 10 minutes until the brownies really "sprung back" when you press the center of them... which I think was maybe a little too long.

You can still see some of the zucchini shreds here, and I was a little leary, but they sure smelled like yummy brownies!

I taste tested with and without the icing, and even though you could sort of see the zucchini on top, you could not taste is a single bit! I ended up liking it even more with the icing, it was scrum-diddily-umptious!

This may not be a health food, but I'm all for hiding veggies in wherever I can!


Yes, zucchini again! I know, Oy vey!! I think the challenge is how many ways someone can make zucchini without getting sick of it! (I still have a few more donated squash to use up too!)

I'm sure those of you with gardens, or friends with gardens, or neighbors with gardens can sympathize...

This guy is going to become Zucchini Pie!

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/moms-zucchini-pie/

Easy peasy! I love using pre-made dough as a time-saver on weeknights... It usually turns out pretty good too!

I did use reviewers recommendation to place a little spicy brown mustard on the bottom of the crust, since BK and I like mustard.

This groovy little mandolin slicer came in very handy! My dad will be so happy... we bought these together last year, and I am finally using it!

And Brandon is happy because I kept all of my fingers and limbs in tact! Bonus!

Look at those nice thin slices! I used it for the onion too, with the chopper attachment and it worked well for that too...

It's looking good already!

I only used 1T of butter for sauteeing instead of the 4T in the recipe, and added some minced garlic.

Per some of the reviews, I continued to cook these in the skillet until almost all of the liquid had cooked off, in order to make sure the end product wouldn't be too soggy and the pie would cook evenly. Also, allow this mixture to cool a little before adding the egg mixture, so the egg doesn't begin to cook when you mix it in.

Ooo, golden and bubbly on top...

If there is a puddle of moisture in the middle, you can dab it up with a paper towel.

Excited to try my quiche-like zucchini concoction...

Annnnd... It earned an almost-thumbs-up! I love quiche with broccoli, and it had me kind of wishing there were broccoli in it.

I think next time, I would still slice the zucchini thin, but also quarter the pieces, so they would come out in forkfuls easier, and maybe add some of my favorite broccoli... but besides that, if you like quiche, you'd probably like this. Semi-success!


Another zucchini?! It just keeps coming!

...I don't think I need to plant any kind of zucchini or squash in our own garden next year, because the surplus I have been getting from other people is still enough to make me scramble for new ways to cook this stuff!


These yellow zucchini sure are bright and eye-catching! A vibrant change from the regular. I'm going to make Zucchini Herb Casserole out of this baby...

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Zucchini-Herb-Casserole/Detail.aspx


Just a cool observation... these must have a really high water content... After starting to peel it, I turned around for a minute and came back to a sweating zucchini, the droplets are beautiful! Aren't they?


Also, these zucchini have really big seeds! Who knew? Not me, but that's not a surprise... ;)

Seasoned and mixed together with red onion and bell pepper...

I did modify the recipe with suggestions from the site reviews... I used brown rice instead of white, doubled the rice amount and added some chicken boullion to it while cooking... used regular onion in place of the green onion... used fresh tomatoes... doubled the spices, but modified them to the spices we like (no basil, and added some Adobo... I think you can tailor the spices to your tastes...)


Ooey gooey cheesiness makes everything great, doesn't it? Well, it sure looks delish with the tomatoes mixed in and the melted cheese on top!


Verdict? The yellow zucchini, by itself, had a strange, strong flavor, but when mixed together with everything, it blended in and the dish was very good!

I think this would actually be a great meal with some grilled chicken or shrimp mixed in!

What do you do when Dad's garden is growing zucchini faster than he can pick them and use them, and then he brings a monster like this over?

You find something to do with it. And luckily, Lexi just told me about this awesome recipe last week... Zucchini Crab Cakes!

Recipe: http://www.mrshappyhomemaker.com/2012/06/zucchini-crab-cakes.html


I followed the recipe and used half zucchini and half crab. Except I made the patties and broiled them for 5-6 minutes on each side instead of coating them with flour and frying them.

My friend Lexi had so much zucchini that she completely omitted the crab and used only the zukes, and said you couldn't even tell that there wasn't crab!


And they turned out awesome! You honestly couldn't even tell that there was zucchini in it... However, when following this recipe, the end result was really heavy on the Old Bay, so I'd probably use half of the Old Bay next time.

But so, so good! And a new way to use up those zuke's that are overflowing your garden! Yum!!!


So I still had another zuke that needed used this week... and I thought I'd try another recipe. I'm going to roast this guy... Roasted Zucchini.

Recipe: http://www.food.com/recipe/roasted-zucchini-364844


The italian seasoning, garlic & chili flakes look delish!


Lined up and ready to roast!


Finished product...


Verdict? Semi-success... I still don't love the sometimes spongy texture of zucchini by itself, and this recipe made them a little mushy on top of that... So I probably wouldn't have finished it on it's own, but I also made broccoli, and when I ate the two together, they were pretty good! So yes, semi-success!


I think this is a zucchini, however the sign at the store said "Green Squash"... I have eaten some zucchini before, some ways I like it, and some ways I really don't. I decided to try grilling some of this little zucchini with some other veggies!


I am in love with this little grill wok that I found at Lowe's. Just mixed in bell peppers, onions, baby bellas and zucchini, a little olive oil, cracked pepper, sea salt and some garlic powder. You get the roasted veggies without all of the complications of shish kebobs!


Yum! Fresh veggie season is almost here! I love these bright colors! And, the zucchini in this mix was a success!