
Uncooked artichokes, I wanted to try steaming them, but I don't have a steam basket yet, so I had to go with the boiling method and then just dipped in melted butter...

This is kind of what I did:



Me and the choke...


These fellas are pretty when they're all trimmed up and ready to go!


I had no idea how you were supposed to eat a fresh artichoke... (the effort for what you get is almost worse than Blue Crabs...) You have to bite the petal with your teeth and scrape the flesh off...

Here's a pretty good run-down on how to eat a fresh artichoke:


I think maybe they sat in the water too long since we weren't ready for dinner yet, but the petals were hard and stringy, and the flesh was gunky... And Brandon didn't think I should try the artichoke heart. He tried it said it had no flavor and the consistency of baby food. I think I'll stick with canned artichoke hearts in the future... sorry fresh chokes! But at least I'll still work with you in the canned form...


But, as a back up, I made Spinach and Artichoke Dip with canned artichoke, so I could say I ate something with artichoke in it anyway, and this was DELICIOUS! (But what isn't when it's smothered in cheese, right?)

Recipe: http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/145/Spinach_and_Artichoke_Dip14852.shtml


Granted, it's the later end of Week 5, but it's still within my week, so at least I made it!

This weeks challenge - the cousin of last's week's Snap Peas, whom I accidently bought... SNOW PEAS! It's Christmas Eve Eve and it's 60 degrees, this is as close as we're getting to snow on Christmas this year!


These little guys are going to become my own modifcation of Sesame Snap Peas...

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/sesame-snap-peas/detail.aspx


I didn't actually have any chili oil, so I adapted by using olive oil and adding my own hot chili pepper flakes from the garden last year... I was doubting myself as I choked and coughed as the hot pepper fumes permeated the air, but in the end, it actually gave quite a great taste!

I didn't have any sesame oil or sesame seeds, so I don't know if I really can say I used the recipe, but it's close...


The snow peas are much cuter than snap peas, they're petite and less bulky and intimidating...


Turning good and golden, sizzling away in the skillet...


Me vs. snow pea!


Taste testing...

(PS - Where are you Kate??? The first veggie experiment I had to taste and document without you!?!)


I survived! And enjoyed it!


And I declare it a SUCCESS! Snow Peas are now part of the good veggie list!

Although I didn't actually have any type of sesame to include this time... with kick of the chili oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper, sauteed in the skillet - where can you go wrong! So delish!!!


Okay - pop quiz! Which one is a sugar snap pea? Well, first I bought the ones on the left, which I know are Snow Peas, but the ones on the right I found later, and they were called Snap Peas... none actually called Sugar Snap Peas, at least according to the stands at the farmers market... Are one of these a Sugar Snap Pea?

And I guess I already have my next veggie with the Snow Peas since I ended up buying both, huh?


These are a baked/roasted recipe for snap peas. Mostly new ingredients to me, which is maybe a little dangerous because when I don't like a certain taste, I can't pinpoint which taste I don't like... This used Peas, Shallots, Thyme & Olive Oil.

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/sugar-snap-peas/detail.aspx


Fresh out of the oven!


Having a little "green" on our places makes it look so much more balanced! Served with lemon garlic tilapia and four cheese pasta.

And trying the first bite... The verdict? Not terrible, but in my opinion, not amazing. There was a taste that I call "gardeny" that I can't put my finger on... I think maybe it was the thyme. I was able to eat my whole portion on my plate and I'll definitely try making snap peas again, but I already have a different recipe lined up. I'll save that for another week. (At least I have the Pumpkin Gems to wash them down!)

PS - Kate and Brandon liked it, but they aren't as picky as me. And Kate likes to eat these babies raw anyway.

This may be a stretch, that's why it's only my "bonus" vegetable this week... but come on, a pumpkin is a type of squash which is a type of vegetable, isn't it? Well, even if it's not, these are a delicious treat!!! They are Pumpkin Gems!

I used this recipe: http://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Frosted-Pumpkin-Gems

With the frosting from this recipe: http://www.tastebook.com/recipes/1552680-Pumpkin-Gems


When I make it there on Saturdays, I usually buy the mini "Pumpkin Gems" from one of the Amish stands at the Farmer's Market in Lemoyne, they are SO delicious! However, they didn't have any yesterday, so I decided I'd make my own... I didn't feel like making hundreds of tiny ones, so I just made traditional cupcake sized this time.

Watch out Farmers Market, here I come! They are lip-smacking good! (And much lighter and fluffier than pumpkin pie!)


Believe it or not, Cauliflower is another vegetable that I don't think I've ever given a fair shot... So, I decided to give this recipe a try that was recommended to me from my friend, Travis! The lovely head of cauliflower is going into the oven to become Roasted Garlic Cauliflower!

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/roasted-garlic-cauliflower/detail.aspx


Sorry, I forgot to take pics of the process, but here is the finished product! I don't mean to give it away, but Holy Yum!!! Now that I've tasted it, this photo is seriously mouth-watering!


Me and the sis prepping for the first try...




And it's good!!! Yum, I kind of want more of it right now! This is definitely going to be a regular on my meal rotations. It was tender and the roasted garlic flavor was just amazing. Not to mention the parmesan... yum yum yum! I didn't use the full amount called for in the recipe, but it was just enough to give that extra cheesy goodness with out that "cheese whiz" factor that I'm used to seeing with cauliflower.


Dad already loves cauliflower, but as you can see, he fully approved of this recipe too!


Cassie vs. Turnip

(I asked Brandon to pick the veggie this week...)


Although I usually skip the "root" area of the produce department, these guys are at least pretty with their purple skin... They are going to become Scalloped Turnips...



Peeled and sliced, they do kind of look like potatoes...


With some onions for extra flavor...


From what I've read, turnips have a pretty strong flavor that you either love or hate, and since I was worried I might not love it, I picked this recipe to try to tone down that flavor...


Okay, so I was a little unsure about these buggers.


But hey, they looked pretty nice!


And they really looked pretty coming out of the oven with the crispy brown top...


I recruited my sister again so I wouldn't have to try the first bite alone, we were a little scared...


The bite!

And the verdict? Not this time turnips... Not terrible on the first bite. But for myself, I couldn't eat all of my serving. I think I've learned that when I try something new, it really needs to be new! I think I had expectations of my delicious melt-in-your-mouth home made Scalloped Potatoes, and when I have a certain expectation and it's different = not so good. And this has a different flavor, a bit of a tang, that my dear potatoes definitely don't have. But hey, at least I tried it!

Brandon ate all of his and said it was successful in hiding that turnip flavor (which he was actually looking forward too... weird, I know...) And Kate actually finished her plate too! Leave it to me to be stuck at the dinner table "til I turn into an old lady..."

It wasn't a total fail, but I don't think I'll use this recipe again. Til we meet again turnips...

{I love Kate's face in this pic... pretty much sums it up...}