
The past few weeks, fresh okra has been abundant at the local farmers market... Both red and green varieties... (Thank you Kim for sharing your crop share with me!)

In a few steps, it's going to become Roasted Okra...

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/roasted-okra

I'll be honest, I am SUPER intimidated by okra.

Why? Because I've heard horror stories from people about how slimy and gross it is! Texture is a huge part of my eating preferences... so slimy is not appealing. 

A few years ago, my husband bought me an okra plant for our garden just because he thought it was funny. (He knew I hated the idea of okra.) Needless to say, I didn't pick them and those okra grew until they were a foot long and so woody and dry that the seeds inside shook like a rattle.

Side note: When choosing fresh okra, look for ones that are 4" long or less... these ones should be less "woody" and more tender.

It sure looks kind of cool sitting there on the market tables, but I wouldn't dare buy them without having researched a recipe first...

I'm a planner, and I need to make sure I have all of the ingredients I need, so I don't end up wasting it and throwing it away next week because I didn't know what to do with it or have schtuff I needed...

So, I did my homework and found that there ARE ways you can make okra that are supposedly not slimy!


Why would I be scared of these? They look so cool! Look at that cross-section! 

Well, for one, they are a little hairy...


And the stickiness of these thangs may have something to do with that slime-factor people are talking about.

They stick to your knife, your fingers, whatever! I did have to rinse the knife a few times to de-stick and de-fuzz...

Side note: I learned that okra are slimy when you cook them in a stew or soup... it's a natural thickener. But if you cook them in a quick, dry heat, that is how you avoid the slime!


Just lovely... one of the coolest looking veggies so far!

Also, in okra's defense, I have met a few people with some southern origins that love fried okra. But I'm trying to learn to like veggies to be healthy, so I'd rather find another way of cooking them than frying.


And all mixed up with the olive oil, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper... Of course they were still sticking to the spoon while mixing too...


Based upon some of the reviews, I left them in a few extra minutes to get a little crispier... and in my mind, a last chance to dry up any last bits of slime...

They do really shrink while cooking, to maybe 2/3 or even 1/2 the size from before cooking.


I was scared... can you tell? I almost didn't even want to try them!

For a split second, I honestly debated just tossing the pan without trying them...


But I bit the bullet...

And what?!? It was actually really good! I immediately went back for another, just to make sure I really tasted it!


And I did taste it right! Yum! I never would have guessed that I would actually like okra - but it just goes to show that you don't know until you try it!

(Side note: I did not notice any difference in the taste of between the green and red.)

8/16/2012 08:00:42 am

You inspired me....the okra are in the oven right now. I'm anxious to try them!

8/16/2012 09:03:11 am

Yay Kim! I'm so glad you tried it and that it went over pretty well! I'm so proud! =)


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