Look at this beauty that was hiding in our garden...

Our tomatoes haven't fared so well this year, so although there is some stretching and splitting starting to happen, I knew this just had to be used as a sandwich tomato.

Here comes the Cassie-BLT, aka a B.E.S.T. Sandwich.

Now, don't get me wrong... I have had tomato before, I love it mixed into things, like sauce, salsa, tacos etc... But tomatoes without being completely cooked or mixed as something else? Nope, not even on a sandwich...

Even growing up with my parents eating BLT's with fresh tomatoes out the garden... I was never "brave enough" to try one. Even this summer, I just wasn't ready for a BLT.

But now, I'm ready to try the Cassie Version of a BLT, which is really a BEST Sandwich... a Bacon, Egg, Spinach, Tomato... :)

Even if I have deprived myself of eating tomatoes on a sandwich, I can still recognize that this guy was meant to be a BLT tomato.

Oh, and I couldn't just use regular bread for a Cassie-BLT. I'm loading it onto a yummy toasted everything-bagel. I fried up the egg, cooked the bacon, threw in some spinach, (and mayo on BK's, no thank you to mayo for me...)

I replaced regular lettuce with spinach, only because I despise Iceberg Lettuce, and have found that replacing all lettuce with fresh baby spinach makes me happy. It seems more nutritious to me and has a better texture anyway...

Granted, my dad slices his tomatoes for BLT's about 1" thick, and I made Brandon's thicker than this, but for me, I like to ease into it...

Does this even count as a BLT anymore? I'm not sure, but it sure looks good - whatever it is!

And with a full mouth, I declare YUM! My happy little version of a BLT is a success! Maybe sometime I'll try a regular BLT, but this is a new fave of mine too!

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