
Okay - pop quiz! Which one is a sugar snap pea? Well, first I bought the ones on the left, which I know are Snow Peas, but the ones on the right I found later, and they were called Snap Peas... none actually called Sugar Snap Peas, at least according to the stands at the farmers market... Are one of these a Sugar Snap Pea?

And I guess I already have my next veggie with the Snow Peas since I ended up buying both, huh?


These are a baked/roasted recipe for snap peas. Mostly new ingredients to me, which is maybe a little dangerous because when I don't like a certain taste, I can't pinpoint which taste I don't like... This used Peas, Shallots, Thyme & Olive Oil.

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/sugar-snap-peas/detail.aspx


Fresh out of the oven!


Having a little "green" on our places makes it look so much more balanced! Served with lemon garlic tilapia and four cheese pasta.

And trying the first bite... The verdict? Not terrible, but in my opinion, not amazing. There was a taste that I call "gardeny" that I can't put my finger on... I think maybe it was the thyme. I was able to eat my whole portion on my plate and I'll definitely try making snap peas again, but I already have a different recipe lined up. I'll save that for another week. (At least I have the Pumpkin Gems to wash them down!)

PS - Kate and Brandon liked it, but they aren't as picky as me. And Kate likes to eat these babies raw anyway.

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