
This is kind of a vegetable re-do because my previous baby carrot recipe was a no-go. I was told that real carrots have much better flavor than baby carrots.


So I bought big fat carrots from the farmer's market.


And I bought little skinny carrots from the farmer's market.

And then I let them sit in my refrigerator for the past 2 weeks, because I really didn't want to eat carrots. Yes, I fell off the horse for a little here, but I got my act back together, made the darn carrots and I'm ready to move on! PS - the carrots are so much nicer looking when they still have the greens on top.


So I peeled 'em, sliced 'em and dropped 'em in a Ziploc steam bag. Added 1T of water and some sea salt & ground pepper for a little flavor. I must say, these steam bags work quite well.


Freshly steamed and not crunchy! (Woo!)


Kate was willing to try them with me again. The skinny carrots were more tender than the big guys.


And I actually ate them!
They weren't fabulous on their own, so I slathered some good old butter on them with a little extra sea salt, and that made them better! (What isn't better with a little butter?) Carrots, by far, are not my new favorite veggie, but at least I can say I've eaten them as a side! I'll probably keep them in my soups or maybe mixed with other veggies.

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