
I'm not sure why, but I really wanted to try Swiss Chard. Probably because when I looked for it, it wasn't in season yet, so that made me think I really wanted it, because I couldn't have it. On the left is regular Swiss Chard, and on the right is Red Swiss Chard.


B-e-a-utiful, isn't it? This is probably one of the coolest looking veggies I've tried so far. Anyway, I found a recipe with lots of good reviews and decided to go for it... Swiss Chard with Garbanzo Beans and Tomatoes! (Note that Garbanzo Beans are new to me too, so this week is a two-for!)

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/swiss-chard-with-garbanzo-beans-and-fresh-tomatoes/


After rinsing, drying and chopping...


The recipe starts out with Garbanzo Beans (my bonus veggie since I skipped last week) and tomatoes...


Adding the chard til it wilts, and I followed some of the reviewer's suggestions of adding some chili flakes and parmesan cheese.


I know, I know, don't over-do it with that huge forkful, Cassie! LOL, Being a picky eater, I hesitate to mix things until I know if I even like them on their own. This was just a bite of swiss chard, none of the other ingredients yet...


It was just "OK" on it's own, but I put on a happy face :)


I had to try another bite with the Garbanzo beans, which I have also never tried (but will be attempting my own hummus sometime)...


And it was definitely better with a little bit of everything in this one! I didn't have very high expectations after the first bite, but it was better than expected. I didn't eat my whole serving once it got cold on my plate, but I think I will give Chard another try someday with another recipe. It's still one of the coolest looking veggies anyway...

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