
A double veggie recipe, as an attempt to make up for the lack of veggies lately...

I've been successfully avoiding beets for a few months now... My friend, Lexi, recommended this recipe to me, but something about beets is intimidating to me... Maybe because it's in the root family and I haven't been a huge fan of these root plants.

I finally saw fresh local beets at the farmers market 2 weeks ago. They are nice and small, which make me think that they'd be more tender. They've been living in my fridge since then because it's been way too hot to turn on the oven!

But tonight, these little puppies are about to become Roasted Beets n Sweets!

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/roasted-beets-n-sweets/


I'm not going to lie... washing the beets was really gross because those roots feel exactly like a rat's tail. Well, I've never touched a rat's tail, but I imagine it would feel just like that. Not a very appetizing start, beets!

And I did get out the gloves... dyed pink hands wouldn't go with my outfit for work tomorrow.


Beets are so bright when they're peeled and chopped! This picture looks a little like raw meat, but I promise it's not.


Good thing I wore the gloves! Oh, side note for those of you who have also never eaten a beet - it might make you pee pink tomorrow... I haven't experienced it, but have been told that it's normal. And after seeing how they stain your skin and anything else, it doesn't surprise me.


Much less scary, sweet potatoes, I'm back in my comfort zone... these aren't all that different from preparing regular potatoes.


All seasoned up! Yum!


All mixed up and ready to roast!


All caramelized and crispy from roasting... The beets are a little less scary with the sweet potatoes and onions in there to help even them out.


Trying a beet all by itself, I'm a little leery....


Annnnnd... I survived! I may not plan on making beets all by themselves anytime soon, but they weren't horrible.


Sometimes mixing flavors together is a better way for me to buy into it... Even with other veggies, I like to have a "shish-kebob" - aka a little of each flavor at once!

And the shish-kebob method was much more successful! The whole dish was quite sweet, maybe a tad too sweet, I'd probably knock the sugar down next time. But overall, it wasn't bad, especially with the veggies mixed together.

Verdict? Semi-success! Not a fan yet of beets on their own, but this recipe made me give them a shot and I even kind of liked them! And sweet potatoes? They're not hard to like :)

Thanks for the recipe Lexi!

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