What do you do when Dad's garden is growing zucchini faster than he can pick them and use them, and then he brings a monster like this over?

You find something to do with it. And luckily, Lexi just told me about this awesome recipe last week... Zucchini Crab Cakes!

Recipe: http://www.mrshappyhomemaker.com/2012/06/zucchini-crab-cakes.html


I followed the recipe and used half zucchini and half crab. Except I made the patties and broiled them for 5-6 minutes on each side instead of coating them with flour and frying them.

My friend Lexi had so much zucchini that she completely omitted the crab and used only the zukes, and said you couldn't even tell that there wasn't crab!


And they turned out awesome! You honestly couldn't even tell that there was zucchini in it... However, when following this recipe, the end result was really heavy on the Old Bay, so I'd probably use half of the Old Bay next time.

But so, so good! And a new way to use up those zuke's that are overflowing your garden! Yum!!!

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