It's that time of year again where I'm finding myself with a plethora of bell peppers from the garden! And I LOVE stuffed peppers, so I'm excited!

I've been eating bell peppers since college, so I'm only counting it as a bonus this week...

The only bad thing is that I usually make them in a crock-pot, and  when I try to use my crock-pot on work days, we inevitably have a power flicker or outage and my crock-pot doesn't turn back on! I've lost too many meals this way and hesitate to use it while I'm at work...

So I searched for recipes that I could fit in after I get home from work... And decided to look for a recipe that also used quinoa instead of rice. (Thanks Shandel for introducing me to quinoa!)

Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-WAH), technically a seed, but is much like a grain... It can be used in place of rice, it has the highest amount of protein of any grains and is an excellent source of amino acids. It's easy to make and I like it better than rice!

You can find it in the organic aisle or with the specialty rices.


Not only did I find a recipe that I can fit in after work, uses quinoa, but it ALSO hides all of these other veggies in it too! (Plus tomatoes, but I forgot them for the photo...)

All of these goodies are going to make Quinoa Stuffed Peppers.

So here's the recipe: http://lowcaloriecooking.about.com/od/dinnerentrees/r/quinoastuffedpeppers.htm

Holy YUM! Right?

My only mods were: added mushrooms to the mix, used fresh tomatoes, added a little worstershire to the meat, skipped the basil... then added a few spoonfuls of spaghetti sauce on each pepper and then sprinkled with shredded cheese before putting in the oven.

For the vegetarians, there are a ton of versions of quinoa stuffed peppers out there without meat, but I love meat and it had to be included in my stuffed peppers.


It looked so good, I could hardly wait for the finished product!

Verdict? Super-success!

It was excellent! Plus, knowing all of the extra good stuff in this recipe, I love it even more than my old crock-pot recipe!

(Brandon's suggestion that I may try next time is to chop up the peppers, spread in the bottom of the pan, and then cover with the filling so it is more of a casserole, and ready to scoop and go!)

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