Yes, zucchini again! I know, Oy vey!! I think the challenge is how many ways someone can make zucchini without getting sick of it! (I still have a few more donated squash to use up too!)

I'm sure those of you with gardens, or friends with gardens, or neighbors with gardens can sympathize...

This guy is going to become Zucchini Pie!

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/moms-zucchini-pie/

Easy peasy! I love using pre-made dough as a time-saver on weeknights... It usually turns out pretty good too!

I did use reviewers recommendation to place a little spicy brown mustard on the bottom of the crust, since BK and I like mustard.

This groovy little mandolin slicer came in very handy! My dad will be so happy... we bought these together last year, and I am finally using it!

And Brandon is happy because I kept all of my fingers and limbs in tact! Bonus!

Look at those nice thin slices! I used it for the onion too, with the chopper attachment and it worked well for that too...

It's looking good already!

I only used 1T of butter for sauteeing instead of the 4T in the recipe, and added some minced garlic.

Per some of the reviews, I continued to cook these in the skillet until almost all of the liquid had cooked off, in order to make sure the end product wouldn't be too soggy and the pie would cook evenly. Also, allow this mixture to cool a little before adding the egg mixture, so the egg doesn't begin to cook when you mix it in.

Ooo, golden and bubbly on top...

If there is a puddle of moisture in the middle, you can dab it up with a paper towel.

Excited to try my quiche-like zucchini concoction...

Annnnd... It earned an almost-thumbs-up! I love quiche with broccoli, and it had me kind of wishing there were broccoli in it.

I think next time, I would still slice the zucchini thin, but also quarter the pieces, so they would come out in forkfuls easier, and maybe add some of my favorite broccoli... but besides that, if you like quiche, you'd probably like this. Semi-success!

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