Although I'm a little behind on getting my posts online, I've still been working on the veggies!

And although I've had potatoes french fried, baked and scalloped, I've never tried gnocchi, so that's the goal here! But more than that, it includes a handful of other yummy summer veggies too...

Thank you to one of my readers for suggesting this recipe... Gnocchi with Farmers Market Fresh Vegetables!

Recipe: http://triblive.com/home/2366681-74/gnocchi-potatoes-salt-cup-tomatoes-cooked-dough-flour-freshly-ice#axzz27REirtOK

The recipe also calls for fresh cherry tomatoes... and these lovely little heirloom cherry tomatoes are so beautiful! Savor the rainbow!

Roasting these little beauties really gave them such a great flavor!

Now on to the gnocchi-making...

You basically mash the taters, and create a little volcano to put the egg...

PS - I'm pretty sure I used WAY more potatoes than I was supposed to, I'm not great at measuring by weight, and I got these from my dad's garden, not a bag with a measurement...

I will say, if you've never made them before, it's not a quick and clean process... I think I had flour on every surface of kitchen!

Finally to the point of rolling, chopping, boiling then icing these little buggers...

Part of the fresh summer vegetable sauce included some leftover corn-on-the-cob I had from the other night with some fresh parsley and garlic...

Then toss in those roasted tomatoes!

It's a really simple, light sauce... I'm used to "Prego" which covers everything, so I was worried that there wasn't enough to cover the gnocchi... 

But it was actually quite delicious!!! Believe it or not, there was enough juice that had simmered out from the roasted tomatoes, corn and garlic that covered the potato gnocchi and gave it a good flavor! It had a hint of sweetness, I think from the corn, and it was a great combination. Next time, I would probably add some grilled chicken to make the meal more "complete" for us. Also, I'll make sure to use the correct amount of potatoes!

All in all, it was a SUCCESS! (However, I'll keep this as a weekend meal, I don't think I want to try to make these on a weeknight again!)

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