Another awesome find at the farmer's market! I've never seen these before, but I had to get some just to see what they were like!

They are Mini Cucumbers! Have you ever seen such a cool looking little thing? They are about the size of a grape or a cherry tomato, but the speckled pattern on these is just beautiful! They look like tiny dinosaur eggs... right?

I don't have a recipe for these, I just sliced them into tiny slices and added them to a grilled chicken spinach salad for dinner... And, they taste like cucumber!

I didn't get many photos, I think I was too hungry to take more pics! The inside is a condensed little version of it's big brother... with little seeds and all!

They weren't cheap at 10 for $1, but this might be a better option for us because I never use a whole cucumber before it goes bad... now, if only I can find some seeds to grow these in our garden next year...

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