I was looking for baby bok choy, but this was all I could find. The person at the farmer's market wasn't quite sure if this was baby or not...

I've learned that with veggies, I prefer the smaller, younger veggies because they seem to be more tender and have a more subtle flavor.

This is going to become Easy Bok Choy.

Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-bok-choy/detail.aspx?event8=1&prop24=SR_Title&e11=bok%20choy&e8=Quick%20Search&event10=1&e7=Home%20Page

I sauteed the stems first to help it all cook evenly, as some of the reviews recommended.

The aroma of the bok choy had a little tang in the air, so I was a little scared!

And rightly so! The bok choy was bitter and even the hubs (who eats anything) didn't eat it.

I'm not completely crossing bok choy off of my list, I may try baby bok choy if I find it and find a new recipe, but this recipe won't be happening in my kitchen again.

Verdict: Failed for now...

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